In the 1940s, they said, "Now arriving, in Los Angeles". In the 1970s, they said, "Coming into Los Angeleez". Today, we are, "Placed in LA". Each generation says it in a different way, but the meaning is always the same. Eventually, we all come to... and pass through LA.
Why, you might ask, must we all experience the City of the Angels? The answer is contained within the question. If we are all mere mortals, each on our own path of ascension, what better portal might we access than one safeguarded by angels?
You have heard it all before. Mere mortals, we appear to be. When we reflect upon our own true nature, our divinity projects throughout the universe, like a searchlight at a Hollywood premier.
If you join us, you may find a character there, shambling towards an ocean sunset. As you release resistance, you may recognize that character as yourself, ascending an "energy bridge" in LA.
Come along and, "Take the ride of your life".